1930-1939 1940
geronimo25 : Frimärken till salu - Rumänien
1950-1959 1942

Visar nu: Rumänien - Postfrimärken (1940 - 1949) - 45 frimärken.

1941 The 4th Anniversary of the Death of Anticommunist Fighters in Spain Vasile Marin, 1904-1937 and Ion Mota, 1902-1937

13. januari WM: Inga Design: Şerban Zainea Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: 13½

[The 4th Anniversary of the Death of Anticommunist Fighters in Spain Vasile Marin, 1904-1937 and Ion Mota, 1902-1937, Typ AAM] [The 4th Anniversary of the Death of Anticommunist Fighters in Spain Vasile Marin, 1904-1937 and Ion Mota, 1902-1937, Typ AAN]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
688 AAM 7+7 L - - - -
689 AAN 15+15 L - - - -
688‑689 7,19 - - - EUR
1941 The 4th Anniversary of the Death of Anticommunist Fighters in Spain Vasile Marin, 1904-1937 and Ion Mota, 1902-1937

13. januari WM: Inga Design: Şerban Zainea Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: Imperforated

[The 4th Anniversary of the Death of Anticommunist Fighters in Spain Vasile Marin, 1904-1937 and Ion Mota, 1902-1937, Typ ]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
690 AAO 7+7 L - - - -
691 AAP 15+15 L - - - -
690‑691 66,99 - - - EUR
1941 The 50th Anniversary of the Carol I Foundation

9. maj WM: 8 Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: 13½

[The 50th Anniversary of the Carol I Foundation, Typ AAQ] [The 50th Anniversary of the Carol I Foundation, Typ AAR] [The 50th Anniversary of the Carol I Foundation, Typ AAS] [The 50th Anniversary of the Carol I Foundation, Typ AAT] [The 50th Anniversary of the Carol I Foundation, Typ AAU]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
692 AAQ 1.50+43.50 L - - - -
693 AAR 2+43 L - - - -
694 AAS 7+38 L - - - -
695 AAT 10+35 L - - - -
696 AAU 16+29 L - - - -
692‑696 7,19 - - - EUR
1941 Red Cross

1. augusti WM: 8 Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: 13½

[Red Cross, Typ ABA] [Red Cross, Typ ABB] [Red Cross, Typ ABC] [Red Cross, Typ ABD] [Red Cross, Typ ABE]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
702 ABA 1.50+38 L - - - -
703 ABB 2+38 L - - - -
704 ABC 5+35 L - - - -
705 ABD 7+33 L - - - -
706 ABE 10+30 L - - - -
702‑706 5,99 - - - EUR
1941 Romania-Germany Brotherhood in Arms

11. oktober WM: 8 Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: 14¼ x 13½

[Romania-Germany Brotherhood in Arms, Typ ABI] [Romania-Germany Brotherhood in Arms, Typ ABJ] [Romania-Germany Brotherhood in Arms, Typ ABK] [Romania-Germany Brotherhood in Arms, Typ ABL]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
710 ABI 10+30 L - - - -
711 ABJ 12+28 L - - - -
712 ABK 16+24 L - - - -
713 ABL 20+20 L - - - -
710‑713 8,19 - - - EUR
1941 Romania-Germany Brotherhood in Arms

11. oktober WM: Inga Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: Imperforated

[Romania-Germany Brotherhood in Arms, Typ ]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
714 ABM 16L - - - -
715 ABN 20L - - - -
714‑715 10,99 - - - EUR
1941 Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina

1. december WM: 8 Design: I.Baltag Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: 13¾ x 13¼

[Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABS] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABT] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABU] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABV] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABW] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABX] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABS1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABW1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ACA] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABT1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ACC] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ACD] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ABU1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ACF] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ACG] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Typ ACC1]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
720 ABS 0.25L - - - -
721 ABT 0.50L - - - -
722 ABU 1L - - - -
723 ABV 1.50L - - - -
724 ABW 2L - - - -
725 ABX 3L - - - -
726 ABS1 5L - - - -
727 ABW1 5.50L - - - -
728 ACA 6.50L - - - -
729 ABT1 9.50L - - - -
730 ACC 10L - - - -
731 ACD 13L - - - -
732 ABU1 17L - - - -
733 ACF 26L - - - -
734 ACG 39L - - - -
735 ACC1 130L - - - -
720‑735 41,99 - - - EUR
1941 Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation

1. december WM: 8 Design: I.Baltag Gravyr: Fabrica de Timbre, Bucharest. Perforering: 13¾ x 13¼

[Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ABU2] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ACG1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ABW2] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ABV1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ACF1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ACD1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ACC2] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ACA1] [Reintegration of Bessarabia and Bukovina - As Previous, for the Aviation Foundation, Typ ABT2]
Nummer Typ D Nyskick Oanvänd Använd Brev / FDC    
736 ABU2 3+0.50 L - - - -
737 ACG1 5.50+0.50 L - - - -
738 ABW2 5.50+1 L - - - -
739 ABV1 6.50+1 L - - - -
740 ACF1 8+1 L - - - -
741 ACD1 9.50+1 L - - - -
742 ACC2 10.50+1 L - - - -
743 ACA1 16+1 L - - - -
744 ABT2 25+1 L - - - -
736‑744 41,99 - - - EUR


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